Finding Corners

Basic Idea

"corner": significant change in all directions with small shift

Key Property

In the region around a corner, image gradient has two or more dominant directions.

Harris Corners

Start with an image , the change in appearance after shifting that image some (small) amount (), over some window function , is represented by an error function:

Window Function

A Gaussian Filter that will weigh pixels near the center of the window appropriately.

Taylor Expansion

We want a large error for a small shift that indicates a corner-like region. We use Taylor expansions .

In 2D, the 2nd order Taylor Expansion about (0, 0):


Simplify: Where M is a second moment matrix:

Properties of the Second Moment Matrix

The surface is locally approximated by a quadratic form.


Consider a constant "slice" of , this is the equation of an ellipse.

Diagonalization of M: where s are the eigenvalues.

gives us the orientation of the ellipse and s give us the length of its major and minor axes.

Harris Response Function


The classification breakdown:

Harris Detector Algorithm

1. Compute Gaussian derivatives at each pixel
2. Compute second moment matrix M in a Gaussian window around each pixel
3. Compute corner response function R
4. Threshold R
5. Find local maxima of response function (nonmaximum suppression)

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